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TipFlip is a revolutionary application for mobile devices to connect people to other people they want to reward at any time. This concept can be used in a variety of different ways, including tipping your hair stylist, your server, or just someone you want to reward. A person who is wanting to reward someone will open the TipFlip app on their device. A map will show active people who are also signed in based on proximity to where the person wanting to reward is located.

The Goozmo team developed this app from the ground up to accommodate both iOS and Android platforms to expand the app to all devices. The Goozmo team had a lot of work ahead of them with no other apps already developed or platforms in production that could be used as a base for UX and design.
This required a lot of testing and back and forth with the customer to determine how they saw the application working not only for their customers but for the staff that would be using it to receive tips. So Goozmo not only had to worry about the UX of the customer but had to make a separate system that would make receiving tips easy and intuitive.

Before the app could be developed in a physical sense we had to create a brand image that would not only represent our clients base organizations but could be expanded to all service industries. Below you can see where we started in the branding process and the end result.

Now while part of the team was working on the design and branding of the new project our developers had to begin to look for a platform to build the new app on. A couple options were thrown around. But in the end, we determined that the best and most stable platform would be React Native. The reason that we chose React was because we had Thousands of app examples are using React Native, from established Fortune 500 companies to hot new startups. This helped build confidence in the client that the app that was being developed was fully tested and trusted by much larger organizations. To learn more about React Native check out the details from its creators Facebook,

Through the stages of setting up the designs and functionality we had constant reviews by not only the customer but external users as well to determine but user flow and understanding of how the site worked.

In the end, Goozmo created an App that can be utilized in a number of different service areas and outlets. Accommodating the current customer and larger customer base. Setting the customer up for success in all possible avenues in the market. Take a look at the new app at for more information.

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